Thursday, July 21, 2011

What piercing to get next?

So I have about 10 weeks off for summer and I want another piercing. I already have my septum and both my ear lobes are stretched. I've had the middle of my lip pierced and didn't really get on with it, so decided to take it out. PLEASE no lame answers saying piercings are trashy or anything else, don't waste your time as I will not take a blind bit of notice.

Why do people rave about "The Social Network" when it sucked?

I mean come on, that movie was g.a.y and lame, i actually fell asleep while i was watching it with my gf. boooooooring

Should I hang out with him on Friday?

your 15, and he's 20. that's like me hanging out with one of my sisters friends, and when i think of that, i feel grossed out. that's weird for you to go to his house, let alone go to his house ALONE. don't do it.

My parents wont let me play football?

so about 5 months back my parents said they would allow me to play football for my high school. today i got all the paper work and now they keep saying they won't let me play! i have football cleats and gloves and the school provides 2 uniforms pads and practice jersey for free (only for the season) but they keep making up different excuses like i'll break my braces so i told them i'll wear a mouth guard then they said i would hurt my legs so i said the school gives out girdles and they kept saying no and i even said i would wear sports goggles to be extra safe! I want to play because my friends are all playing and i haven't played a high school sport yet.i'm already late for the football camp that is $150 so i decided to just do summer weight training for $40 but they keep saying i'll get hurt. I'm 5ft9in and about 195lbs i have pretty good endurance and i'm pretty strong and thats why the coaches say i'd be perfect to play but my parents wont listen. how can i change there minds?

Would you be upset if your family treated you this way?

I live 2 hours away from my family and for the last 5 years they may have come and visited me a handful of times. Every time they want together, they want me to drive down there. I have tried getting them to come and visit me and they always use really lame excuses. So here in a couple of weeks I was going to have my son christened of dedicated, depending on what you call it and I decided to change the date an uninvite them. Well technically not uninvite just not tell them when we reschedule it. I am so sick of them never wanting to be a part of his life that I want them to know exactly how it feels to get left out of something. My mom calls and ask what size clothes my son wore, well she makes an effort to see the other grand kids 2 to 4 times a week, but can't even bother to come up here once every two or 3 months. So I never called her back and told her, I figured well if she made an effort to be around him then she would know. Do you think I am wrong acting this way?

For my IB World lit paper, could the acceptance of death be used as a theme?

I'm writing a comparative essay on The Metamorphosis and The Stranger, and for one of my body paragraphs, my topic sentence is "Existentialist beliefs lead to the acceptance of death." I was just wondering if this would work as a topic sentence, because they need to include themes, but I'm not sure if the acceptance of death is a theme?

Does this site sound legit?

Im going to order the new Nike Mercurial Vapor VII FG soccer cleats and I found a site thats selling them for $82 when the cleat is about $200. The site is and most of the cleats there are like way cheaper than they should be. Im about to order, but Im worried this site is a hoax or something. Can someone tell me if I should or should not?

Possible broken toe after soccer game?

The injury happened a week ago, as i went for the ball, but ended up kicking the other player in his didnt help that i was wearing regular sneakers, not soccer cleats..The big toe still hurts, with limited range of motion, but i can walk/play on it with a slight limp and pain....if its not broken/fractured what could the injury be? And how long should it take to heal?

What should I be doing now to become the White House Press Secretary in the future?

I'm so interested in government and politics and I always have been. I know my chances are so slim but I really want to work up to my dream job. I'm finishing my high school freshman year now. Next year I am doing Youth and Government ( it's a sort of extra curricular thing) and I plan to take "Contemporary Issues and Public Policy" next year, law and society as a junior, and comparative gov as a senior. What can I do now?? Do I still have a chance? also I live in California, and it's unlucky that I can go to an Ivy League school if I got in because of tuition costs. I would like to go to Cal Berkley, U.C. Davis, Santa Barbara, or U.C.L.A. do I have a chance to pursue this dream??

Whats the best cleat for a wide receiver?

ok all i really need to know is does anybody think the "Nike Men's Speed TD 3/4 Football Cleat" is a good pick for a wide receiver?

:/ should i try to be like my sister?

My sister is really pretty and gorgeous. she is thin, funny, popular and can get boys real easily, where as i am the opposite. i'm fat, lame, a loner and i couldn't get A boyfriend to save my life :/ i try to be like her regularly by stealing her clothes and wearing her makeup and talking like he, but the thing is she goes out drinking every night and got bad grades at school. should i let her influence me or not???

Comparative Study between Emily Dickinson And Sylvia Plath.?

You clearly need to do some research but both had an obsession with death. Compare "Because I could not stop for death" with "Lady Lazarus" - each with their different take on mortality. Plath was the wife of Ted Hughes and eventually committed suicide- Dickinson died young (mid 50's) of Bright's Disease.

What size cleat should i wear?

So i am going to be getting f50 soon but i am not sure what size shoe to get. i know my foot is small. i measured it at 9 and 7/16 inches so 24.1cm. my foot is wide. so please help me. i current have size 8.5 and its too big please help me

Please evaluate the following statement: "The claim that to cure Unemployment it is necessary to introduce?

basic economics question man..plaec an order at do ur work for u in a blink of an eye!

Senior Pictures for Soccer and Dance?

So, I'm going to be getting my senior pictures done soon and I wanted some ideas on what I could do to incorporate soccer and dance into pictures together. I thought of maybe a tutu with cleats or my pointe shoes with a soccer ball... other than that I can't think of anything to do! I know the photographer may have some ideas of their own but I'd really like to go into my session with some ideas myself too. Any suggestions on cute ways to get soccer and dance into some pictures together will be appreciated! Thanks! :)

Thesis topics - comparative law?

I am a BA student studying comparative law. I am looking for a topic for the thesis I am to write this year. I'm just looking for some topics that may be interesting to research. Thanks for the suggestions.

What football cleat should I get?

I play left back defender and I can't decide beween the Adidas Predators, Nike Tiempo Legend IV, and Nike CTR 360 Maestri II. I have flat feet so my feet are wide. I heard they all accomodate wide feet. I'm currently wearing the Adidas Predator Powerswerve. Any advice?

Is U.S. having trade deficits or trade surplus with Canada and Mexico?

Is U.S. demanding for more oil during the recession? Why not? What is happening to oil imports these days? Can you find the U.S. made products easily around you? Why not? What Roles do the MNCs play in the U.S. trade deficits? How can the U.S. improve exports? What are the nation's Comparative Advantages?

My Big Toe Hurts Really Bad?

Yesterday someone stepped on my toe (baseball cleats). It feels like only my middle part of the toe is hurting. It doesn't hurt when i flex it. It hurts when i walk or put pressure on it. Any Ideas?

How DID Joseph Smith get people to believe him, anyway?

he preached, to his freinds and family, they believed him, he wrote the book of mormon by the power of God and yes by printing the Book of mormon , he delivered it to the world and people believed it with signs following.


If you really want to read 'The End of The Affair', then read it. Chances are you'll form a better assignment when comparing something that you enjoyed read and can understand better. If the second choice is hard, pick something that similar to your other chosen book, or maybe ask a friend to pick one for you.

Which camera will provide the best image quality?

I would personally pick the Lumix because it comes with a Leica lens. But they are all pretty similar. However if you are going to spend that much money you might be interested to know that WalMart (online only special) has the Nikon D3000 for $459 right now.

Why is she living in denial. I don't even think she likes her current boyfriend?

She is dating a guy just to get at her, so if I were you I wouldn't talk to her for a while if she is going to be so rude about her new boyfriend and tell her that you don't have feelings for her either. Whatever she does you can do it right back.Just don't take it to far because to an extent it just becomes and immature game.

Who is more lame? My chemical romance or Black veil brides?

Personally I like my chemical romance they are all right, but I can't stand Black veil brides overall their music just doesn't suit me, and they dress stupid, but over all their music sucks

Asking my boyfriend if he wants to go to my house and watch a movie?

okay so im 13 hes 14 we have been dating for almost 3 months. and hes been talking to me about how he wants to make out . and ya i want to, but i want somewhere private. and we have only hung out once before and we went bowling i know right kinda lame, but where i live there is NOTHING to do. And i want to ask him if he would want to come to my house and we could watch a movie ( make out) but i don't even know if my mom would let him come over. but my dad even suggested that he came over? so idk

I need help with a thesis?

I'm writing a comparative essay comparing Macbeth from Macbeth and Jack from Lord of the flies. Need some help with a thesis.

Balls Of My Feet Hurt From Soccer?

After I play soccer the balls of my feet hurt and sometimes blister or tear the skin, I have tried taping my feet up and it helps a little bit but there is still alot of soreness. Is this normal ? Do I just need to wait for my feet to toughen up ? If so how do I toughen them up? I use the Nike Murcials Cleat could it be the cleat?

Im naming a pet,and i need cool names?

Professor Squiggley, Michael Jackson, Dr. Orange Puss, Fruity Tooty, and Pennywise are all I can think of right now. Email me ( when I'm not half asleep. Kuz it's kinda 1:30am right now :) so when I'm awake I can think if some better names

World Soccer Shop Shopping?

When you buy cleats off World Soccer Shop, do they come with a boot bagg such as the Vapors come with?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Is it normal that im like this..? I feel like a crazy person :/?

Okay, so I'm 13 years old. Sadly, pretty much every person at my school that's in the "popular" group has drank, smoked, smoked weed, they go to parties every week, makes out with every guy and things like that. I'm not like that. I prefer saying home, being with my mom, hanging out with my friends not partying, never touched alchohol (spelled wrong) or cigarettes and I've only kissed one person. I used to be in that group but now were just civil but I'm best friends with one of the people in that group. I've been offered beer before but I said no.. But still I just feel like lame because I'd rather stay home while everybody else goes and gets drunk and has the time of their life. I got invited to a party but I know bad things are gonna happen there so I kinda don't wanna go..I also don't listen to techno, I listen to like Ron Pope and things like that. I'm interested in shopping over what kind of diet I'm gonna go on so guys will like me. Anyways, anybody else like this? I feel like the only one :/

Can I Return These Soccer Cleats?

I recently bought new Nike CTR's and I am not too satisified with the quality, so I want to buy the new Adidias Predators. Can I return them back to SoccerPro if I bought them around a month ago and have the receipt? Or can i even get a store credit?

Can a Political Science major choose to specialize in the political system of a single country?

Or is "International/Comparative Political Science" the closest I can get to that? If I can do so, at which degree level would I actually specialize- BA, MA, PhD?

How do i get her stop hating me?

You're never going to learn. This is what she does bro; she's a user & will never be genuinely interested in you. She's the kind of chick that when she wants something, and she gets it, she's not interested anymore. You can do one of two things. (1) Move on and find a better quality person (believe me, there are tons out there much better looking with better personalities than this girl). or (2) Mess with her; feign interest in her, but don't EVER give her what she wants. Makeup with her, but treat her like trash, then makeup with her again. :P

If a girl says she has lost intrest in you, Is all hope lost?

It means she's letting you know in an indirect way that she don't like you anymore. So, it's time for you to just move on and let go. That way, you will spare yourself from getting hurt even more.

Is the lame accusation of calling Obama a Socialist, a veiled statement?

The concept of 'Equality For All' is a founding principle of Socialism. The fact that America's past and present remains a story of gross inequalities, accusing Obama of being a Socialist reeks of his accusers guilt, ignorance and fear! (Especially when Obama has followed suit on most of Bush's Neo-Con policies)

I need help buying cleats for my bicycle.?

I have been road cycling for about 6 months now and I average around 100 miles a week with a 30 mile ride once a week. I have always ridden with tennis shows but I am looking into getting some cleats for the first time. The problem is that I know nothing about buying cleats. If someone could give me some information about cleats and or refer me to a good website to buy them then it would be much appreciated. I am not looking to spend a ton of money but I am willing to put in somewhere around $100.

What do you think of this breakup?

So him & I had feelings for each other for almost 2 years. (It would be 2 years in October.) & I couldn't date him cause I wasn't allowed, so he waited. That summer we had fallen in love. A year passed & in November after him bugging me I asked my parents tons of times & we were official. We were so happy.. We were best friends first & I never wanted to lose that. Are relationship was good, but we had our fights. This past May i was so stressed w/ so much **** going on. But he was always there listening even if I couldn't say anything. Towards the end of the month was exams, & for some reason I was just so mad at him for stupid reasons. I ignored him & he tried to be there, but then he gave me space. The last day of exams Idky but I was just so furious & there were so many times I wanted to run up into his arms & apologize but I couldn't. I felt like something was up with him. So during our class I went up to him & whispered "its' over" at the time idk what i was expecting, i just wanted to see if he would say anything. He said nothing & i was so upset. That day he broke up with me telling me he didn't love me like he did & didn't care as much & that we are only teenagers there are other guys out there for u. He wanted the old me back & he said things could happen in the future again. I figured he liked this other girl b/c it was the only other girl he would hang around. A week past & we were talking a little bit. Then he said to meet up cause he had to tell me something, but he couldn't hold it in & he told me he ****** up & he lied to me, he stilled loved me & he wanted it to be easier to let go.. He said so many times he wanted me back & things for us could work out. I was so happy. We met up & it was him. We both apologized for our mistakes & wanting to take a break so we could appreciate each other better & not take one another for granted again. He kissed me twice.. not knowing it would be our last kiss.. Our break was going to end when we came back from vacation, so we could both go away & then see where we were at. During my vacation I said something that i regret now & he took it the wrong way a little, but i said i hated being single b/c u lose a special friendship & it wasn't all about him. Which it was I just didn't want to sound desperate. He said that he was holding me back & I should date someone else for awhile. But he never mentioned himself. He said if any girl hit on him he would want it to be me.. 3 days later a week ago from today he texted me saying we should see other ppl & that i should move on from him b/c he doesn't love me anymore & likes someone else. After thinking for a few days everything was going ok & we were going to get back together he asks my best friend on a date. Thankfully she denied it, but it was just wrong. I'm on vacation & i have to deal with this. I was heartbroken & still am.. What's worse is that he wanted me to get over him so he could go out with her & how it was unfair how i'm friends with everyone so it would be hard to get my approval.. After all we've been through it wasn't him, but he said ppl change & his feelings change.. But just like that? I blocked him on fb b/c i would be looking at his pg constantly & i need to move on but it's so hard. I still love him, maybe not the same but it's like he doesn't care. He's changed & everyone loved him. My friend said you can't find many guys like him & its true. He was everything.. Is it b/c he just figured while we are broken up move on? He broke my heart twice & he just uses the lame excuses that aren't him. I miss him. I always think if he loved me at all he wouldn't have fallen out of love like that & hurt me, so i don't really think he loved me at all.. Even though he says he did & everything was real. My guy friend says its not him & he's turned into a jerk & doesn't know what he wants. but i can't take him back. As much as I want to I can't. He can hurt me again so easily. I've learned my mistakes & realize them but why is he doing this? He always said "all i need is you" & he would never hurt me & break up with me. I never believed it until 2 months ago.. Little did i know..But asking my best friend on a date? Why do guys do this? Thank you for reading.

Any ideas on where to get pink football cleats?

I play football for my hs and support breast cancer awareness. I am wondering if anyone knows where to get pink nike football cleats?

Can i Use these cleats for my high school ?

Those look fine to me. If anything they look like soft ground boots. You might want to check with your coach just to be safe.

Horse just turned up lame?

Does her foot feel soft anywhere? Hot? It sounds like it could be an abscess. Try soaking her foot in Epsom salts dissolved in water, then wrap her foot in vet wrap and either duct tape or an easy boot. Soak for 20 minutes every day, and see if that helps. If it's an abscess, it should take only a few days to a week to heal up. If she doesn't get better with the soaking, it could be a hot nail, or a stone bruise... In that case, I'd call the vet.

What are some fun things to do over text with your boyfriend?

my boyfriend and i are bored and we're trying to think of some cute things to do but we got nothing. i don't want to have phone sex, thats pretty lame. but i'm looking for a game or just something else to do to entertain us both. :)

What should i get adipure 4 or total 90legend 3's?

ok im goingto order either legends or adipures now i dont like narrow cleats and i heard that adipures are narrow so i mean can u tell me if its true are false and imscared to wear cleats with circle studs can u tear your acl with like quick turns thoes cleats? i need answers asap plz support reasons

What is government's place to determine the value of our life is?

They can do this because they know people won't fight back and will fall in line. And second reason they can do this is because the main voice of America are super rich capitalists, who won't object against this policy at all, because it will lower expenditures.

Whether should I take a studies drop or not?

look boss...... its good that your thinking to repeat class 12 and things on again..............its good but look you have to waste a couple of years again to start all over......but if you have the will and determination to do well in your next attempt then go for it....................... and regarding you applying as a private candidate consult any of the cbse schools in your area.............. i am sure they will surely help you....god bless

I've lost my mojo. How do I get it back?

I've lost my glowing. I've became less likable in P&S. And my questions are not as magnetic as before. Also my answers have become lame and boring.

Can i trust

Im thinking of buying soccer cleats off of the website but just worried that they will suck or the material will just be horrible. Do they let me return? Give me your input on their soccer cleats. Thanks

Is my boss hitting on me?

So I get this weird felling from my boss...I can tell sometimes that he looks at me....he always laughs at my jokes...and they are sometimes pretty lame, just sayin....Tonight I was at work and we were doing a quick closing run through, and he told me to look to see if the salt and pepper shakers were lining up....he grabed me by my shoulders to turn me around, but while he did so the whole entire back of my body was touching his...I have gotten this feeling lately that he is kinda hitting on me,but I don't want to make a big deal about it...he's really outgoing and loud so maybe that is just his personality....but I can't help thinking that maybe he is putting the moves on a little bit...I don't know...what do you guys think?

Need help with a few soccer questions please?

i have a few problems where i really messed up and need your advice. i play for the high school, recently i for some reason i wanted to play football but then changed my mind back to soccer, because i decided to play american football i haven't touched a soccer ball in so long. and i didnt play on playing so yesterday i made the biggest mistake in soccer. i got my new cleats the day of practice and wore them the whole time and destroyed my feet. i have practice tomorrow and i need to break them in the quickest way possible. and my other problem is i kick get the ball and can keep it away from people but then end up punting it away from me for some reason how can i re frame myself from doing this terrible habit? and how can i get my skill back up there quick?

Do they let soccer balls inside an airplane?

im going to mexico for a tournament, im not sure, do they let you take a soccer ball and soccer cleats inside an adidas bag?

How do I add people to my steam friends list?

Hi, so I just downloaded Team fortress 2 and I am trying to add my friends to my friends list. But, it says I need to buy a game. Is there a way around this because, it is kind of lame to not be able to play with me friends. Thanks and advance

Teens more fun depending on school?

I feel like I am grouped in the other school's category... but I used to be in your shoes. It's really easy to have fun without smoking, drugs, etc. It kinda has to do with acting younger than you are... laughing at things that are remotely funny and just having a fun time... letting loose! :) I'm not sure how that sounds normal........but it is for me. My family is pretty much broke and I go to a school with a bunch of rich kids so I still feel left out sometimes, but I just make the best of what I've got.

List of books that give a basic understanding of Subjects? eg. The Undercover Economist = Economics?

these books are not read to understand a theme or prepare your concepts in mind. these books are just anti-views useful to prepare for a deb ate session.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

What was the internet game where you make political decisions and towers would either shrink or rise?

By game I mean ONLINE AND FREE, like addicting But I click on an ad or something and came upon it. Played it for hours. But I forgot the name. Plus, you would have to choose 3 badges that you would like to earn, and well you would earn them if you succeeded in reaching your goals. I know it sounds lame, but it's quite fun.

Sims 1 money cheat not working?

can someone please help me , I know i'm lame and only have the sims 1 okay but the cheat Ctrl c and then rosebud is not working , its coming up NO SUCH CHEAT but everyone knows this ovo is a cheat its the well known money cheat so why isnt it working am i doing it wrong ? please help thank you

What happens if my stitches come out?

I got stitches in my hand last Friday from getting a metal cleat stuck in my hand... I am continuing to play softball but what will happen if i pull a stitch out on accident?

What's the difference between these cleats?

I own a pair of vapors and the ones you are looking at are two different versions. the more expensive one is the newer version and its probably lighter and may have some different features then the less expensive one.

What do U.S troops carry in their packs?

the question has already been asked, but the answers are lame. in all reality, all kidding aside what do troops carry in their packs. ( # of magazines; for both rifle and sidearm, food, drink; what kinds, and amounts?) i know i have seen a play through of everything one carries via "the military channel" but alas i cannot remember for the life of me. thanks

How do i tear up my soccer cleats?

my dad is gonna buy me mercurial vapors for the travel soccer season, but he said when he comes home he would see what shape they are in. Also the practicce starts 3 month before the actual season. How to make my cleats look in bad shape in any realistic way

Would you be for or against teaching comparative religion in school?

Yea sure. It would teach kids about other peoples beliefs. Maybe it'll also help fundamentalists learn why we can't teach creationism and ID in schools when they figure about the thousands of different creation stories throughout history.

Can someone explain to me this question?

research the history of slavery and the civil rights movements from its beginning to the present. That's easy right. Then you have to compare how the people where treated and what happened to them during that time period society for example: Slave no rights and very valiant punishments. Then civil right movement more rights but still violated Pretty much how their where in Society and how there where mistreated.

Why do liberals love to spin spin spin!?

I think they know that, if they were honest about all of their positions, they'd have to admit they're on the wrong side of pretty much everything.

Can i wear soccer cleats for football?

I'm going to summer weight lifting and conditioning. For the first hour we lift and then after we go out to the field for conditioning and running and stuff. its not actual hitting. and i dont currently own football cleats but i will get some soon. should i use soccer cleats or just stay in my running shoes for the outside training?

Adidas adiPure IV cleats vs. Adidas adiZero F30 cleats?

I have had a pair adizero f30s for a while now, but after games i always find massive blisters on my feet from the excessive sliding that occurs with them. i've been looking at the adipure ivs, has anyone tried both? if so, how do they compare in comfort and performance? thanks

Which soccer cleats should i get?

I've been playing for a while now and me and my friend are always competing to get the cleat that stands out the most. So, if I were you I'd get the green and blue cleats theyre my fav. between them and the white. And when youre playing people will know you as the girl/boy with the sweet cleats:)

Couple's Baby Shower?

We had a co-ed shower and it was a big hit! My husband rented a HUGE smoker on a trailer and literally smoked meat for whole weekend.. We had friends dropping by before, during, and after my shower.. Also, we didnt play any of the games either. That was my choice, I just dont really like being the center of attention anyway, so the last thing I wanted to do was have people wrap toilet paper around my stomach trying to guess how fat I had gotten! But I did see a "game" online one time that I thought was so great, and this is something you can make the guys do and it would be really funny.. its more of a prank than anything.. But you choose one guy to be the one your going to prank, and tell everyone else who is going to play the "game" what is actually going to go on.. Then, you tell everyone your going to play "find the baby".. You'll fill bowls with whipped cream, and pretend there is a little plastic baby toy inside the bowls, and they have to try and find the little baby by sticking their whole face in the bowls and trying to fish it out with their mouths.. All the while their blindfolded so they cant see anything. When you say GO, the other people who are in on the joke take their blindfolds off and watch the one guy who is being pranked to make a huge mess of himself while he thinks everyone else is doing the same, and your "cheering" on everyone else.. haha.. The expressions on their face should be priceless when they realize they've been pranked! haha

Which pair of soccer cleats is the best?

this summer im playing in the gothia cup and i want an extra pair of cleats ( i already have the adizero f50 prime in orange what pair should i get next

Football cleats are a bit bigger?

m a size 8 and i got a 8 1/2 feels a bit big. is there any thing i can do? i was going to consider using cotton balls but then if my feet sweats i dont know haha i got them yesterday and its to late to return them is there anything i can do?

Help finding Under Armour Proto Speeds?

Can anyone help me find a pair of Under Armour Proto Speed football cleats that are size 10.5, I'm having trouble finding them and I want red ones too but they are hard to find. Any help or links?

Please help to improve this?

You said you wanted to make it LESS cliche, not more. Though divorce and remarriage are very common in real life, they are overused in novels to cause "emotional turmoil". Also, the stepsister is ALWAYS more pretty. The other half of that idea isn't so bad, though it may be a bit too serious.

Why is Randy Orton imitating Alberto Del Rio?

Dolph Ziggler started this whole, "My name is.." when he first debut he would always be backstage introducing himself.

Should Anthony Weiner resign for the good of well endowed males everywhere?

Is that supposed to be considered large? It looked like he'd dropped a half-roll of lifesavers down his shorts.

What can I do to stop the pain in my broken toe?

I'm not 100% sure its broken but I jabbed it into a lader hard and it bled from under the nail a little sense part of the lader went under the nail. But doesn't hurt too bad unless im wearing shoes. Normally Id just wait but I have an expensive football camp tomorrow, and it really hurts when I wear cleats.

I need help! should i get CTR360 or F50 soccer cleats.?

Go with the F50's, they'll help out with your grip of the ball so you can dribble around players, run down the field, and curve the ball around the keeper all while staying in complete control of the ball.

Is a legit site?

I'm gonna get soccer cleats but I don't know if that is a legit site to buy it from and if the shoes there are economical or not.

Which cleats should i look into as a midfield/striker?

I'm a midfielder in football and i dont know which cleats to look into. i tried the mercurials for 1 year and they helped my acceleration a lot. I got the CTR360s and they helped with my control a lot. Im 15 and this is the year to get the REAL ctrs or mercurails. Which one should i get? one of the toughest decisions ever to make. Also the CTRs are $100 cheaper

Is it a good idea to have a boy girl party at the mall we dont really want adults there so we chose the mall?

my friend wanted to have a party for me and we didnt want adults there so she said why not the mall and then a movie idk i feel like she just wants to go to the mall just because but i think it will be lame and not fun at all i want to go to valley fair but shes "afraid of the rides"

Im about to snap on my mom advice now!?

Okay my mom is on her 3rd divorce and ever since its started she always tells me who I should get with and blah blah blah like she's trying to become my bestfriend. Well I was raped October 5th and I'm not really trying to get with a bunch of guys. I have my boyfriend an that's IT! Well she still tries to have me talk to guys and even when I blow them off not interested she goes an tries to talk to them! For example just now we were in the walmart parking lot an these guys rolled up to me and my mom trying to talk. I ignored them and she kept turning around talking when I'm like wth it was obvious what they wanted! Esspecially when they says you looking nice in those jeans and keep following us. Then she gets mad at me an says I just have a bad attitude! C'mon now I'm 19 I don't want to talk to no lame *** dude point blank! She always does this an I'm sick of it! ADVICE PLEASE cause I'm ready to snap on her

Seniors, what do you think of this?

The reality will hit them in a few years. I wasn't happy turning 30, kind of scared of getting "old", refused to celebrate my 40th and pretty much ignored my birthdays from there on.

Think of an evil town and streets in it.?

Okay this is fun i need you to be creative. Think of a city that could be evil but with a deceptive name that lures people in and they never can get back out. Then think of evil street names just like that deceptive, luring and misleading. These got to be good nothing lame like "evil town with evil streets" really thought about this. This is for some research i am doing. And the words can not be very long think of street signs and go from there not long and not something you couldn't pronounce either. It can't start off like evil sounding like desperation it has to lead people in and keep them there forever. Thank you everyone.

What can I do with a Comparative Literature major and a Biology minor?

I'm trying to figure out my course schedule and my options are double majoring in Comparative Literature and Biology, majoring in Comp.Lit. and minoring in Biology, or majoring in Com.Lit. and getting a BA in Science in a year-long program after graduating. I have a full scholarship, so I'm trying to make the most of it, but I don't know which I should do. Which one would guarantee me a reasonably well paying job with the option to become an editor at a later date?

Can I substitute look deltas with keos?

I went to a local bike shop and it was all about keo pedals and cleats. They didn't have the deltas that I need. I was wondering if I could substitute keos for my deltas.. I'm in need of new cleats bad and I was wondering if the keo works the same as the delta.

Do these football cleats work for lacrosse? (Look below)?

Most any cleats are fine for lacrosse. I personally use soccer cleats. But like half of my team wears football cleats. just as long as they're comfortable to run in, you'll be fine.

Accounting Question Ratios?

I don't know which ones you are have trouble with, but many of the mistakes calculating ratios are caused by the amounts used for receivables and inventories. When calculating a ratio that calls for one of these amounts, you should always use the average balance. So your inventory average is (68,370 + 54,350) / 2 = 61,360 and your Receivables average is (68,030 + 62,770) / 2 = 65,400. If your still having problems, email me through my profile with your calculations and I'll look them over.

Can someone explain to me this question?


Monday, July 18, 2011

Can a Political Science major choose to specialize in the political system of a single country?

Or is "International/Comparative Political Science" the closest I can get to that? If I can do so, at which degree level would I actually specialize- BA, MA, PhD?

Questions about Softball?

I am playing softball for the first time this fall. I have played baseball for 4 years and I want to try softball is it like baseball or totally different? Also I need to know all the gear that you need to have to be fully prepared. I have a baseball glove that I can catch a softball in so can I use that? I found a pair of men's nike baseball cleats would I be able to use those the spikes arent metal their like rubber or something? I would like to know what position would be best for me. I have ok speed, a semi-good arm more on the good side I think and good reflexes. I am a 15 year old girl by the way. Thanks For the help

How to deal with my controlling father?

tell ur fatehr if u spoil me with only school and work i wnt have a life and will probabaly die and be a loner my whole life or tel him to piss of and chill

Why is she living in denial. I don't even think she likes her current boyfriend?

She is dating a guy just to get at her, so if I were you I wouldn't talk to her for a while if she is going to be so rude about her new boyfriend and tell her that you don't have feelings for her either. Whatever she does you can do it right back.Just don't take it to far because to an extent it just becomes and immature game.

Shes in canada on vacation and im in our hometown chicago. i WANNA ASK HER OUT ALREADY!!!!?

we like each other A LOT, and i already know she is gonna say yess, but its lame to ask her out over the phone right???

What anime should I watch? Loved FMA and Blood+?

I loved FMA (Original) and Blood+ and absolutely loved them; great animation, seriously in-depth storyline and character development. I prefer serious and slightly dark and tragic anime, so these two are at the top of my list. There's no simple matter to the storylines such as "find this and you can defeat the enemy" or "collect this and you are the most powerful ___ in the world!" There weren't any lame facial expressions or much stupidity. Voice acting was great and it ended leaving you attached to the characters so much that you didn't want the series to end. I'm having quite some trouble finding something next on my list. I would prefer a full series, not a movie, or short run mini-series.

How can I help my best friend /: ?

My best friend is awesome.We usually like only hanging out together like we don't have a group of other friends, therefore we are very close.She calls me a lot and often complains about how her parents freak out about nothing.Like her parents once grounded her for going out during a storm.I mean really?Also, there going on vaca and I said I could possibley pet sit while they were away.I NEVER told them it was a certain yes.Anyways, my mom told me I couldn't because I would have school then so I told my friend I couldn't over the phone and she told her mom (who must've been pretty close by) that I couldn't. I heard her mom FLIP OUT and she was saying how she couldn't trust me and blah blah blah.I wanted my friend to hang out the next day but her mom still said she couldn't trust me. A lot of the times I ask to hang out my best friend can't because of really lame excuses.Also, whenever we CAN hang (which is rare) her mom makes my parents do all if the driving and stuff. My best friend has seemed really down lately and I'm pretty sure she'll end up being really depressed if her parents keep her locked up in there house all summer and if her parents constantly flip sh*t on her for really stupid reasons. How can I keep her from being depressed by this if she can never hang. We can ony call and text really anymore )':

I Dont watch any sports and my friends make fun of me for it.?

I have never been into sports at all and now my friends call me lame and a loser I dont want to start watching sports and i will not cave in to what everyone is saying so what can i do..

Help with rendering a file from Reaper?

try to render it to mp3 format and it automatically pops up this window saying i need do download lame_enc.dll. So I already downloaded it, the 64 bit one and it still wont render!!! Someone please help!!!!

When does the new winnie the pooh movie come out?

I know its really lame but me and my boyfriend are gonna go see it and neither of us know when it comes out... help?

I need a good nickname...?

So my boyfriend and I have been together for like 10 months now and I want to be able to call him something other than his first name. He has a nickname for me. Are there any nicknames other than baby and honey that are good for a guy that aren't over the top lame?

If I cut off the toe of football cleats, would they be appropriate/legal for high school soccer?

no it wouldnt be. they cant not be altered like cutting off a spike or anything cuz that is consider a danger to other players as well as yourself

Should i text him........?

Well did you TELL him why you wouldnt hug him? If you didnt tell him why, then definitely text him and tell him so he knows. If you did tell him but he was still mad, then text him anyway and like apologize or something. Theres no doubt he likes you so he shouldnt stay mad for long. I mean he got mad that you wouldnt hug him so i think he definitely likes you. If i were you, I would text him :) just say sorry good luck

What punk song had this quote in it from Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas?

There was only one road back to L.A. US Interstate 15, just a flat-out high speed burn through Baker and Barstow and Berdoo. Then on to the Hollywood Freeway straight into frantic oblivion: safety, obscurity. Just another freak in the Freak Kingdom. We’d gone in search of the American Dream. It had been a lame **** around, a waste of time. There was no point in looking back. **** no, not today thank you kindly. My heart was filled with joy. I felt like a monster reincarnation of Horatio Alger: a man on the move, and just sick enough to be totally confident.

Where can I find a pair of AdiNovas?

I need a website selling the old AdiNova cleats. Not please. Any website that sells soccer cleats in mass would be greatly appreciated.

Which cleat should i get? CTR360 or F50 please help!?

Well the ctr360 are great for controlling and trapping the ball and they're pretty light weight and the f50 is very light but it wouldn't really help to control the ball so i would personally choose the ctr360

Why dd I get this blister?

I have had this pair of soccer cleats for a full year now, the Nike mercurial victory. I never had any problems at all and I played soccer every day, and now all of a sudden I have a big blister on the bottom of my big toe and I am wondering if it was a weird fluke or if I've got something to worry about. I always wear two pairs of socks under my cleats

Comparative shop, textiles GCSE?

okay so i do textile GCSE and we are doing the comparative shop sheet, what do i actually put on it i know that i do 4 extra products (Moroccan inspired throws) but what do i put about them??

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Is going to an antique place lame?? Teens answer also!?

So im a teen and i went to an antique place and loved it because i like old things (fave movie= grease). I got these two awesome neckalces but when i showed my best froend she was like "thats soo lame" and was laughingg. :( lol. so was she just being mean or are those kinna places lame? Does it make me a loser for going there?

My life is kinda boring,what to do?

So I'm pretty chill,6'4,16,gonna be a junior this year..and its just like I'm tired of the same old stuff,I mean I'm not a boring person,its just that things seem lame,most of friends just stay up in their,the girl I'm kinda feeling has to have the most boring personality,I like to work out,all about bodybuilding,and I also to cook,that's my future carrer...yuu know I just can't wait to be out in the world in 2 years.I need some ideas on interesting things I can do to hold me over till then,like exciting things...anything?

What was used before cleats in football?

I'm doing a project on the physics of football.. I talk about energy transfers/friction but I also need to pick a "technology" thats improved skills in football soo I picked cleats. Does anyone know what was used before cleats or when it was introduced? Thankss

Soccer tryouts, first time ever playing. HELP!?

You need to wear shin pads, And cleats would be a good idea if you have some. Practice Jumping and kicking. Maybe gets some friends to kick a ball against you. Don't just practice goalie drills though, practice playing soccer as a midfield.

How do you learn to dance?

Im 17, im gonna be a senior and ive never danced before. I havent been to a dance not because I cant dance but cause I have no idea how. Lame I know but like how people move their hips, I dont even know how to use those muscles. I have absolutely no clue how to move my body :/ any help?

Will my football shoes get bigger?

I bought brand new nike zoom vapor carbon football cleats. I got them half of on clearence. They are just a tad to tight. But i still can play in them. When they break in will they be bigger? they are 9.5. I am a freshman and my foot hasent really grown since 5th grade. Do you think these shoes will be ok for the year?

8th grade graduation party ideas..?

I just graduated middle school and I'm having a party at my house. Its going to be family, family friends, and my friends. I have a small house and yard so I need some things to do to entertain some 14 year olds for a couple hours. If possible, some ideas for outside and inside. I was thinking of getting a slip and slide, water guns, and waterbaloons for outside. For inside I'm hoping that my grandpa and uncle will let us have the tv to play wii games. But I need some more ideas for things to do inside that don't require a tv, but aren't lame, incase it rains and we can't go outside. Thanks for anything!

How to tell if he likes me and how to start a conversation?

Okay so I realllyyy like this guy he told my friend he would hook up with me. But the thing is that he has a girlfriend. They have been goingout for about 4 months. I text him a lot and he puts winky face and smily faces in his texts and he seem like he want to keep asking me questions about my self. And I ask him hbu? Now I haven't texted him all day and I want to text him but I feel lame saying just hi cause I said that about 5 hours ago and he didn't reply so please help sirious answers only please

Starting highschool soccer what do I need?

i dont think you need padded jerseys those go soft i would just recommend sliders under the shorts especially on crappy high school fields but padded jerseys are kinda gay when you get to high school

Nike Zoom Vapor Carbon Fly TD cleats problem?

Well i got these yesterday and my friends and I noticed during practice that they had glitter on the black part. Can someone tell me how to get the glitter off?

Honest Opinions Please.?

What Do You Guys Think About This Rapp.? I Don't Give A F*ckk If You're Tryna Be My Main. The Job's Already Taken...Bye Have A Great Dayy Please Stop Asking Me If I Want To Hang. No Means No, No Need To Explain. I'm A 5 Star Chickk And You're Just A Lame.

What kind of cleats should i get for football?

Im playing fullback, O line, D line, punter and kicker. And some of my friends say to get baseball cleats some say soccer some say football. im 6 foot and 205 lbs what kind of cleats should i get?

I where 16 1/2 and my cleats are 17 both my shoes are adidas I'm 14 is this a problem?

Every one usually gives me bad awncers I will post a pic but I don't know how ? How tall will I be also dose any one else have feet this big ?

How do you guys feel about going to the pool in the summer?

incredibly sexy. i swim completely nude and everyone loves my rock hard body w/ all that hair in "places", haha. im a gurl, btw.

Nike Air Huarache cleats same size as Air Zoom Coop V?

I tried on a pair of size 10 Nike Air Huarache LWP90. I was wondering if I got the Air Zoom Coop V, would they pretty much be the same in size?

What is a good legit website that has sales on soccer cleats?

I need to get good cleats like 200 dollar ones for only 90 dollars. But they can't be economical cleats.

Have Young Earth Creationists abandoned the "living fossils" argument that used to claim that various.....?

These people are desperate, so they cling to any idiotic idea. The problem for them is that the 'gaps' in which 'god' can hide are getting smaller and smaller, so they have to recycle arguments, even tho' they know they have been destroyed, in hopes of winning a small skirmish in the presence of a younger generation.

I'd like to fly thru that bada$$ help?

I'm friends with these really cool people and they are always saying "I'd like to fly thru that bada$$" I don't want them to think I'm lame but i really want to know what it means. Can any really awesome people help me sort this out?

Question about absolute advantage and comparitive advantage?

Nancy and Bill are auto mechanics. Nancy takes 4 hours to replace a clutch and 2 hours to replace a set of brakes. Bill takes 6 hours to replace a clutch and 2 hours to replace a set of brakes. State whether anyone has an absolute advantage at either task, for each task, identify who has a comparative advantage.

There's a song they play in nightclubs all the time? Not sure it has any words...?

... but a very recognisable rhythm/tune. Someone must know; it's on literally every time you go out. It's from 2010 or earlier. Oh, and this may sound lame, but I remember them using it on Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two to introduce one of their sections. Help please!

My whole toe nail is falling off!?!?

So, i noticed my softball cleats were getting small on me. I kept telling myself I would get new ones but before I knew it the season was over. I noticed during the season that toe started hurting and then my big toe nail become bruised. I knew it was because of the shoes. Then it started oozing brown stuff (it looked like blood, sorry don't mean to gross anyone out) After that it turned greenish. It started becoming detached slowly. Today it is almost completely off. I could honestly pull on it and then it would detach completely. However, I know a new one will grow back but still. What will my toe look like? How long will it take to grow back? Also, how should I care for it? It's the summer and i really don't want to walk around toe-less with sandals. Please help me!

Is there something wrong with this economic explanation?

Whether X and Y are algebraic variables or assigned names in a program .....both the answers have taken care of that.

What is the conservative party's (torries) platform?

I am actually an American who is a conservative and I follow British politics and have taken comparative government classes so I know a bit about the British system with labour, the torries, and recently the lib. Dems. But where do the torries stand in England on issues like abortion, gun rights, government spending, healthcare, national defense, etc?

Hdtv comparison help?

The Sony is overpriced and their picture on their TV's is ****. Not a huge difference in quality between the Samsun and the LG. But get the LG if it's really that price, as thats a 1080p 120hz LED Model.. same as the Samsung but cheaper and there is no quality drop.

Why Jews do not belive Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is a prophet?

Many actually believed and become part of Islam. They do not believe in Mohammed PBUH because they expected last prophet in a particular race. They believe that their race is beloved to God.

A Question For People Who Believe/Believed The Rapture Would Happen Saturday, May 21st..?

why would anyone throw a date on the rapture? the bible says man will not know the day nor the hour...

Which soccer cleats are better: AdiPowers (new predators) or Nike CTR360's II?

My team is moving to select and I want to get some boots that will help me perform my best. I play Center Midfield and i do a lot of running. I need some cleats with comfort, touch and precision. These two cleats are the two I've been thinking about. Which one should i get?

What is the net cash flows provided (used) by operating activities using the indirect method?

Walker Company reports net income of $420,000 for the year ended December 31, 2010. It also reports $75,600 depreciation expense and a gain of $11,000 on the sale of machinery. Its comparative balance sheets reveal a $33,600 decrease in accounts receivable, $17,220 increase in accounts payable, $9,240 decrease in prepaid expenses, and $13,020 increase in wages payable. What is the net cash flows provided (used) by operating activities using the indirect method?

Atheists : Isn't it lame that FSM does not guarantee 72 bowls of spaghetti to young men blow themselves up?

What's lame are your questions. Seriously, do you really want people to think you are an idiot? Is that your goal in life?

Good football cleats for wide receiver?

Hey I just bought Nike Zoom Hyperfly cleats with the short cleats for football camp and I'm not sure if they are good for my position of wide receiver? Any advice? Google them for a picture.

Did I tear something? Twisted knee while sliding in softball.?

I dont know what you did but it hurts. I always start with 10minutes ice couple minutes thaw and 10 minutes heat. More than two days at this then go to doc.

What are the best baseball cleats on the market? And are soccer cleats good also?

I wanna buy some great cleats and ive seen some kids wear soccer and also football cleats in baseball also, so what are the best cleats on the market?

The Doors or Creed, who are ROCK GODS?

I was arguing with my friend over who are ROCK GODS, he is so stupid, he said The Doors are better than Creed so I want to hear your opinions. For me it's Creed who are ROCK GODS no contest, Scott Stapp is such a better singer than The Doors singer was, Jim Morrison was a pussy for killing himself too. Plus Scott Stapp can sing Doors songs AND Creed songs, I don't think Jim Morrison could sing like Creed. Also The Doors didn't even make real rock, too much of their music was lame piano lullaby garbage. Who do you think are ROCK GODS out of these?

Can someone please decode this guy!?

This guy has been pursuing me for about 5 months now, I liked him but wasn't exactly ready to date. I finally feel ok to date and we've hung out a few times and have a lot of fun together. But I'm having issues with trying to figure out if he actually likes me or not. Like I said we had a lot of fun hanging out and he's really attentive and flirty but he doesn't call me he only texts me... Which is ok since we've been on 2 dates. My issue is I feel like the texts are almost awkward then he will just stop writing back at some random point. Then I find myself thinking like a stupid girl well does he like me? Or do guys not feel the same way as girls when it comes to texting? We're in our late 20s so I feel like I should be able to not be so needy and lame. Can someone give me advice as to how I can tell if a guy likes me if he doesn't text me as much as I'd like!?

Why is she living in denial. I don't even think she likes her current boyfriend?

She is dating a guy just to get at her, so if I were you I wouldn't talk to her for a while if she is going to be so rude about her new boyfriend and tell her that you don't have feelings for her either. Whatever she does you can do it right back.Just don't take it to far because to an extent it just becomes and immature game.

What cleat should i buy? which is best for me?

hello im a high school player looking for a new boot to buy. my style is quick speed, nice touch, and power shots. i currently play fw/central mf, and my recent boot is the nike zoom T90 laser (1). its a great boot not to heavy but its fit is a little tight , well i do have a slightly wide foot. my other cleats i had where the adidas predator x and power swerve, ok boots just need to last me a while, get a slipper like fit, water resistance with some power shooting technology. the boots i'm currently looking at is the f50 adizero, nike vapors , puma v11, and the predator adipower. which boot is for me ?

Saturday, July 16, 2011

How do I encourage my husband to join our local pick up soccer team?

He is very stressed and he is from Brazil, he loves soccer and played all through school. He needs a release and needs to get some rejuvenating exercise. I signed him up and bought him cleats but he is saying that he doesn't want to play. He doesn't give me a good reason I know that this will be good for him and help him make friends and be less stressed. He says I don't know what's best for him he has his first game tomorrow and. Refuses to go. Any tips on how to get a stubborn man to at least try it out? I think he might be insecure since ha hasn't played in almost ten years but there are other men on the team in the same boat and many who are in worse shape than him. He hasn't met the team yet.

Where is the cheapest place to buy the new cr7 Safari III?

I want to get the new black and green safari ronaldo cleats but there just to dang expensive. $75 is my budget. Maybe 80. where can i get them cheap and for how much?

Hes the taller one not the shorter one it was so obvious yo?

Im not following the question... Oh wait, there wasnt one, just you venting about your school life. Im not sure what your trying to get at in the slightest. Rephrase your question, if indeed you have one, and try again.

How to deal with my controlling father?

Stop complaining and man up. Your dad obviously cares about you and your family is reach enough to hire servants.

What running shoes and cleats are right for me?

I suffered from an injury about 4 months ago. I dislocated my knee and completely tore my meniscus(a ligament on the outside of the knee) I will be starting cross country and soccer in a few months. I was wondering what brand and shoe/cleat would be best for me. I play high school soccer, so i will be playing on turf. My shoe size is 8 1/2 and my width is B. Oh, and also my price max is $200 for each pair of shoe and cleat. (So basically, $200 for shoes and $200 for the cleats) Thanks:)

I'd like to tryout for my college baseball team as a freshman pitcher this year. Do I need to bring a bat?

I would bring a bat, even if you don't think you're going to have to hit. If you do need to hit you could always borrow someone else's bat but the coaches might think of you as unprepared or who doesn't care enough. Even as a pitcher they may want you to hit though, just in case they ever do need you to play a position for some reason.

Has anyone tried fake mercurial superflys CR7 cleats?

I just bought a pair and im wondering whats the difference between the real ones? Are they worth buying? Are they still Quality cleats?

What age do i have to be to be able to wear metal cleats in soccer?

I play in the NISL league which is the North illinois soccer league and i am 13. Though i play for U14 and sometimes U15. I want to buy the world cup 78 shoes, but they only come in metal screw in cleats so i was wondering if i could use those. Thank you for the help.

Am I taking too many APs or is this manageable for 11th grade?

If your school doesnt let you graduate early what is the point you are going to be really bored senior year I would decrease the course load and get all As.

Is there any way to change the screen lock for the mytouch 4g?

So im pretty sure everyone knows about the lame lock screen that says "drag down to unlock".. is there anyway to remove this and just hace the pattern as the lockscreen? Im open to all options, so let me know

How can governments act to facilitate free trade to gain the benefits of comparative advantages?

That's any easy one. It get out of the way!If the government didn't interfere with tariffs and quotas and other stuff, the markets could properly respond to take advantage of comparative advantages.

Lame bf question I guess hah?

My new bf has been ignoring me all week.. I know he's busy working a lot but could he be doing this to see if I like blow up his cell phone? I'm hoping he's "testing" me bc it's putting me through some pain lol.

Why do you have to spit game at a girl to have sex with her?

why is it wrong to walk up to a girl and ask her if she will have sex with you. Personally I would not be offended if someone asked me. I just dont want to have to spit game because I feel it will take to long and is extremely lame.

Am I being too hard on him?

In one word, yes. If this is the only thing you guys have had to fight about or the only thing he has (maybe) lied about then I wouldn't worry about it too much.

The concept of a universal soul scares me?

It is a profound thought. I applaud your studies. I as an atheist kinda found that Brahman is Atman and Atman is Brahman to be an ideal that I could find comforting, but rather confusing. Enjoy those classes!

Is this website a scam

Thinking about buying my cleats for next season here to save some money but i am not sure if they are a scam or not.

Why do people rave about "The Social Network" when it sucked?

I mean come on, that movie was g.a.y and lame, i actually fell asleep while i was watching it with my gf. boooooooring

Can soccer cleats be used as casual wear?

im talking about these,en_US,pd.html?cgid=42110

Okay need advise about these two guys :/?

Okay two guys on Facebook constantly flirt with me by only do it on chat or mail and sometimes ask for pictures.... I know them but font usually talk to them apart from on Facebook... What can you say to stop them without sounding lame or mean?

What should I do for the blood blister on my toe?

I have a blood blister on my toe and its really groudy and It hurts like Hell . I have a soccer game tommorow so my main concern is that my toe doesnt bother me for the game should i pop it or just leave it cuz Im sure its going to get pinched in my cleats .. : (

Nervous about riding today? advice?

I've been riding this one horse, prince. I show him in hunter division. He tried bucking me off after a 2ft jump a couple of months ago in my lesson, he did it twice. I thought he was just being feisty. Then he was lame and wasn't able to be ridden so I was riding another horse. At my next show I rode Prince, and he once again tried bucking me off. I don't know if he just tried bucking me off because he hadn't been out yet since being lame, this was his first time with some one riding him in weeks. But he scared me to death because he's huge and strong, and I'm a skinny girl with great leg muscle but my arm muscle isn't so great!!! It's not like i haven't fallen off before, I have plenty of times I just feel uncomfortable riding him, I don't want him doing it again. I'm riding him

I joined high school football?

so my mom allowed me to play football but i don't know what i need. i already got cleats but thats about it. i plan on getting some padded gloves like my friends recommended, but what will the school most likely rent out to me? i already know they will rent me 2 game jerseys, shoulder pads and a practice jersey. idk about the girdle yet. will i need one or will there be slots for the pads in the pants? also do you think i will have to buy girdle pads? thanks

What do you think of this breakup?

So him & I had feelings for each other for almost 2 years. (It would be 2 years in October.) & I couldn't date him cause I wasn't allowed, so he waited. That summer we had fallen in love. A year passed & in November after him bugging me I asked my parents tons of times & we were official. We were so happy.. We were best friends first & I never wanted to lose that. Are relationship was good, but we had our fights. This past May i was so stressed w/ so much **** going on. But he was always there listening even if I couldn't say anything. Towards the end of the month was exams, & for some reason I was just so mad at him for stupid reasons. I ignored him & he tried to be there, but then he gave me space. The last day of exams Idky but I was just so furious & there were so many times I wanted to run up into his arms & apologize but I couldn't. I felt like something was up with him. So during our class I went up to him & whispered "its' over" at the time idk what i was expecting, i just wanted to see if he would say anything. He said nothing & i was so upset. That day he broke up with me telling me he didn't love me like he did & didn't care as much & that we are only teenagers there are other guys out there for u. He wanted the old me back & he said things could happen in the future again. I figured he liked this other girl b/c it was the only other girl he would hang around. A week past & we were talking a little bit. Then he said to meet up cause he had to tell me something, but he couldn't hold it in & he told me he ****** up & he lied to me, he stilled loved me & he wanted it to be easier to let go.. He said so many times he wanted me back & things for us could work out. I was so happy. We met up & it was him. We both apologized for our mistakes & wanting to take a break so we could appreciate each other better & not take one another for granted again. He kissed me twice.. not knowing it would be our last kiss.. Our break was going to end when we came back from vacation, so we could both go away & then see where we were at. During my vacation I said something that i regret now & he took it the wrong way a little, but i said i hated being single b/c u lose a special friendship & it wasn't all about him. Which it was I just didn't want to sound desperate. He said that he was holding me back & I should date someone else for awhile. But he never mentioned himself. He said if any girl hit on him he would want it to be me.. 3 days later a week ago from today he texted me saying we should see other ppl & that i should move on from him b/c he doesn't love me anymore & likes someone else. After thinking for a few days everything was going ok & we were going to get back together he asks my best friend on a date. Thankfully she denied it, but it was just wrong. I'm on vacation & i have to deal with this. I was heartbroken & still am.. What's worse is that he wanted me to get over him so he could go out with her & how it was unfair how i'm friends with everyone so it would be hard to get my approval.. After all we've been through it wasn't him, but he said ppl change & his feelings change.. But just like that? I blocked him on fb b/c i would be looking at his pg constantly & i need to move on but it's so hard. I still love him, maybe not the same but it's like he doesn't care. He's changed & everyone loved him. My friend said you can't find many guys like him & its true. He was everything.. Is it b/c he just figured while we are broken up move on? He broke my heart twice & he just uses the lame excuses that aren't him. I miss him. I always think if he loved me at all he wouldn't have fallen out of love like that & hurt me, so i don't really think he loved me at all.. Even though he says he did & everything was real. My guy friend says its not him & he's turned into a jerk & doesn't know what he wants. but i can't take him back. As much as I want to I can't. He can hurt me again so easily. I've learned my mistakes & realize them but why is he doing this? He always said "all i need is you" & he would never hurt me & break up with me. I never believed it until 2 months ago.. Little did i know..But asking my best friend on a date? Why do guys do this? Thank you for reading.


These cleats have exellent traction for making those cuts. Provide good support and they look nice on your feet. They are light and dig in the grass so that you can stay low and not lose balance. Avoid walking on hard floors

Friday, July 15, 2011

Which Soccer cleats are better for better performance? AdiZeros or Nike Superflys?

For those who own one of these which ones are better for better Performance .. I'm looking for a light., long lasting , comfterable, and good looking cleats .. Which of these two are Better ? And which one is good for their Price ( such as why is the Superflys More expensive than adiZeros)

Where can i find nike soccer cleats for girls?

ok so it's the beginning of a new year of soccer and i'm getting new soccer cleats, i want them in a bright color : HOT PINK! Please give me some websites on hot pink soccer cleats for girls. i dont really care if they're nike...thx!!! :)

AdiZero football cleats?

Im thinking of getting these AdiZero cleats that weigh 6.9 oz. and was wondering would they be good for both of my positions (CB and WR) or any recommendations on other cleats for both?

What size cleats do you wear?

what size cleats are you? Seeing what size is most common. Btw if your size 16 or over what cleats do you wear?

Football cleats are a bit bigger?

im a size 8 and i got a 8 1/2 feels a bit big. is there any thing i can do? i was going to consider using cotton balls but then if my feet sweats i dont know haha.

Please help me :( What should I do about him?

There's a guy who I like alot and he told me he likes me too. That was about 3 weeks ago. For two weeks he would text me or skype me everyday. I would text/skype him first sometimes but mostly it was him. But for the past week he hasn't been contacting me at all...I tried texting him but he didn't respond. I tried again two days later but we had a really lame convo just saying "whats up" "nothing much hbu" and stuff like that and it ended pretty much. I don't know if he's still into me...I think he moved on but I don't know what would make him. He's really sweet so I highly doubt he was just kidding about liking me, but I don't know. Is there any way for me to somehow make him interested in me again? Should I text him or skype him again? Or wait for a while? I don't really think waiting will help...Is there anything I could text him to make him want to keep texting me? I invited him to go bowling but he couldn't make it. I've never called him before. I don't want to over-flirt because that would seem obsessive to me. Should I text him to see what he's doing for Fourth of July? I just really want to talk to him...even if he's no longer interested in me I still want to be his friend..Please help me, I am so confused of what to do right now. Any idea?

What should I do? (Please answer!)?

Yes......tx him or however u contacted him las time nd ask him wat he is doin 4 the 4th =) if he is not interested think of it this way.....his loss you will always find better =0 and move on you will find a new 1 down the road

Needing facebook status hack. pranks!?

So me and my friend exchanged facebook passwords are on a hacking rampage right now, he's winning. So I need some really really good facebook status pranks, non of that lame cheesy stuff. Be dirty, be vowel, be rotten lol He's done it to mine, so i need help lol thanks

What is a free mmo that is not a WoW clone?

EVE online is an option. The game itself is free and you get a free trial before subscription is required. The good news though is you can buy game time with in game currency

How many times a day (week?) are you rushing your kids to hurry up and do something?

we are in a rush every morning and it's usually not my son's fault. I oversleep and then its rush to get him and me ready and out the door before 6:30 am. Right now he's 2 and he likes the rush cause he just likes to go. other than my oversleeping we don't rush to do anything.

Is there a difference between the adizero f50 and adizero f50 prime?

so i would like to buy some new cleats for my up coming soccer season and i would like them to be really nice cuz they might be the last cleats i buy. i either want the adizero f50 or the f50 primes but idk if its worth that extra money to get them. i know there lighter but is there anything else? if you know that be great. thanks

For a master's of fine arts in creative writing, should I take an English or Comparative Literature undergrad?

I'm interested in attending San Diego State for a M.F.A in creative writing, just curious to see which undergraduate program I should take.

What are good soccer cleats?

Im 16 and ive been playing soccer since i was about 6. However 2 years ago my team broke up and i havnt played since. I wanna get back into the game so i was wondering where and what boot (cleat) i can get for max 60$ thats decent and decent looking please let me know thank you

Did I make the best decision in reporting immigrants, yet I faced severe consequences?

This is my second time posting guys. Sorry. Honestly I am not trolling and I just really some honest opinions. I know this is yahoo answers and you guys are gonna say I troll and give me false answers. But please I really need some honest answers Okay guys, long story short. I worked for a company for 5 years, known my manager for roughly 10 years, best friend I have ever had. We were so close, as if she was another family to me. Until this day changed me severely. My manager was hispanic, and trust me her ethnicity whatsoever does not bother me. Until recently my manager aka best friend laid off 4 employees roughly two weeks ago who I also known( they were not of hispanic decent) The new employees she hired recently were all hispanic. I was the minority of the company( I will not say what my race and nationality) I started to feel that my manager was somewhat racist. Until today I realized that I found out that the employees she hired were all illegal immigrants. I discussed with manager aka best friend, about why she fired the previous employees and hired new illegal immigrants. She gave me a lame excuse that they were not working hard enough or wage and hours were too high, etc. I told my manger that she needs to report these illegal immigrants she hired. She refused and threatened to fire me if I told on her. After I gave it a long thought, I decided to call anonymously the police and ICE on my manager and employees. After they came they took her and told me I was fired. Later the supervisor of the franchise location, decided to make me the new manager(which is a huge responsibility.) At the same time, I feel so disgusted that "betrayed" my best friend. Guys really and I actually being serious about this. Did I really do the right thing...??? I mean because I feel so guilty for what I did. And even myself, I am sick of these illegal immigrants and I know America is.

Cheapest place to buy the safari cr7 cleats?

I want the safari orange black and white soccer cleats. Where is the cheapest place to buy them. (online)

Please help improve this idea :)?

Actually, I think all your ideas are good. Whether they become great stories depends on how you handle them. Remember to describe events so that the readers feel like they are experiencing them. Who, what, when, where, why and how are good questions to keep in mind as you write. Good luck with your writing!

How do you learn to dance?

Im 17, im gonna be a senior and ive never danced before. I havent been to a dance not because I cant dance but cause I have no idea how. Lame I know but like how people move their hips, I dont even know how to use those muscles. I have absolutely no clue how to move my body :/ any help?

What is a good opening sentence/hook for my essay?

I am writing a comparative essay between two books, About A boy and Shampoo planet. I can usually keep writing but i find it hard to start. My main points are: Similar Characters, Writing style and theme. Could you please give me a good topic sentence, or opening sentence to help me get started, thank you, and I will give best answer.

Proving the Qur’an is the Word of God?

The Mayans and Sumerians (predecessors of the Christians and Muslims in terms of religious contributions and beliefs) both predate Islam and have contributed much in terms of technology and knowledge. Neither attributed their findings to your god.

Black leather food over different color leather?

I was getting some adidas predator adipowers (soccer cleat) and they come in bright blue and yellow. The blue is made of Tauras Calf Leather and i was wondering if i put black chelsea leather food over it what would happen? would the black cover the blue or would the blue wear through and make it look stupid?

Will i get hurt trying this?

ok i live 1.6 miles from the soccer fields. Can i where my soccer cleats to soccer practice while i ride my bike? or will it injure my cleats or what? Thanks!

Returning shoes to, Any tips?

Hey I'm returning some cleats to and wanted to know how to do this? Any tips or what do I need to do? please help, this is my first time doing this.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

What is the best material for football (soccer) cleats?

i want to buy a good pair of cleats, but i don't know what material its the best, i have seen synthetic, calf leather and kangaroo leather, but which on is good?

Can Anyone Give Me Some Great Gatsby Quotes About Success.?

I am writing a comparative essay and I need some quotes from Great Gatsby that shows the extent to which success brings happiness in Great Gatsby.

What is this stuff coming out of my toe?

Sounds like you are going to loose that nail. It will naturally fall off and replace itself. And I am sure it's from the bad cleats. Clean around the nail with peroxide. The fluid might be puss. Since it can make a sound like that, I would highly recommend you see the doctor. Sounds pretty nasty.

How do I make a thesis out of this information?

The victim and the victimizer are connected only by the violent act; there is no relationship beyond that of the event that has linked the two, as is evidenced by "The Ancient Rain" by___and "Se7en."

Did I make the best decision in reporting immigrants, yet I faced severe consequences?

Honestly I am not trolling and I just really some honest opinions. I know this is yahoo answers and you guys are gonna say I troll and give me false answers. But please I really need some honest answers Okay guys, long story short. I worked for a company for 5 years, known my manager for roughly 10 years, best friend I have ever had. We were so close, as if she was another family to me. Until this day changed me severely. My manager was hispanic, and trust me her ethnicity whatsoever does not bother me. Until recently my manager aka best friend laid off 4 employees roughly two weeks ago who I also known( they were not of hispanic decent) The new employees she hired recently were all hispanic. I was the minority of the company( I will not say what my race and nationality) I started to feel that my manager was somewhat racist. Until today I realized that I found out that the employees she hired were all illegal immigrants. I discussed with manager aka best friend, about why she fired the previous employees and hired new illegal immigrants. She gave me a lame excuse that they were not working hard enough or wage and hours were too high, etc. I told my manger that she needs to report these illegal immigrants she hired. She refused and threatened to fire me if I told on her. After I gave it a long thought, I decided to call anonymously the police and ICE on my manager and employees. After they came they took her and told me I was fired. Later the supervisor of the franchise location, decided to make me the new manager(which is a huge responsibility.) At the same time, I feel so disgusted that "betrayed" my best friend. Guys really and I actually being serious about this. Did I really do the right thing...??? I mean because I feel so guilty for what I did. And even myself, I am sick of these illegal immigrants and I know America is.

How does Dill from To Kill A Mockingbird compare to Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet?

I need to write a comparative paragraph for English about how Dill from To Kill a Mockingbird compares to Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet. Any ideas on there similarities would be grateful :)

Which soccer cleats should I get?

I actually have experience with both of these...I own the F50 adizeros in bright orange while my buddy has the Nike's. They're both really good pairs of cleats, it really just depends on what position you play and what you're looking for in cleats. I can vouch for the F50's, especially with the new stuff on top, that they have the best grip on the ball I have ever seen!! It's really helpful since I dribble the ball a lot and have to get around other players. It's also really good for free kicks and bending the ball. However, I'll admit that the Nike's my buddy uses are absolutely amazing with shooting and power. He's a forward (cherry-picker at that haha) and this really helps him get some power on his shot. It's also like the description says-it's good with hard passes and crossing in the air. So if you're a forward or want extra power go with the Nike's, but if you want more ball control definitely go with the F50's. Hope this helped.

My mom keeps trying to make me talk to dudes!?

Okay my mom is on her 3rd divorce and ever since its started she always tells me who I should get with and blah blah blah like she's trying to become my bestfriend. Well I was raped October 5th and I'm not really trying to get with a bunch of guys. I have my boyfriend an that's IT! Well she still tries to have me talk to guys and even when I blow them off not interested she goes an tries to talk to them! For example just now we were in the walmart parking lot an these guys rolled up to me and my mom trying to talk. I ignored them and she kept turning around talking when I'm like wth it was obvious what they wanted! Esspecially when they says you looking nice in those jeans and keep following us. Then she gets mad at me an says I just have a bad attitude! C'mon now I'm 19 I don't want to talk to no lame *** dude point blank! She always does this an I'm sick of it! ADVICE PLEASE

Just wondering was he dissing me or i am over analyzing it?

ok so theres this kid i sat right next to in my painting class. his name is Bryant and well we sort of talk and what not. So today I was getting painting and i grabbed brown, and his like ew!!!! "brown a poppie color" but he said it in another form. So anyways i responded back "You dont like brown." i sort laughted and he responded "I don't do brown." and he sort of chuckle right after. By the way my skin color is sort of a russet color. So anyways my mind is sort of perveted so my question is was he in a way dissing me !!! or I am just over analyzing it. I do think the dude is cute. But about the dude he calls me Twilight becuase well he knows I am fan!! lame i know.... and yesterday they switch our seating chart and i was just seating on my chai, doing whatevre and his like "Twilight" i turn and he just waves hi! and he gives me this looks ! not a flirting look just a look... and after we had to wash our paiting materials etc.. and the sink room is connected to to the Ap. Lit room and the door was open so i lean forward to see my friend whose in that class. Bryant notices becuase his watching his cup. And i am like "Huh?" and his smiles probably annoyed becuase i said huh? yeah so i answer and said my friend whose in that class. and his like a twilight friend. I said yeah, but i was joking about my friend being a twilight friend.

How to deal with my controlling father?

Find a nice friend that they approve of and hang out at the friends house. Study with the friend but then just have fun. I think you are going to have to leave your house in order to have fun. Would your dad approve of sports? It's a way of doing something else, being with other people, and getting some time away from the books.

Is this a good or stupid birthday idea?

i am a twin too, and every year my brother and i would get to pick a restaurant that we should celebrate our birthdays at. one day we would go to the restaurant i picked, then another day we would go to the restaurant my brother picked. if you're looking for party ideas when the kids are young, we usually had parties in our backyard and hired a clown or got a bounce house for everyone to jump in.

Horrible memory at 16? Please help?

You seem to be under alot of stress there might be something psychological causing that talk to a therapist or a psychiatric...... If one of your needs is not being satisfied it can make you change your emotions not permantly but it does seem kind of strange

How come, why he has strange middle name 'Drinker'?

Like TSK said, it's very common to use family surnames as a middle name. Probably there is a branch of the family with "Drinker" as a surname, and they wanted to honor that branch.

What is Catholic Purgatory?

Purgatory is not in the Bible. The catholic church uses the apocrypha books to try and prove purgatory. The apocrypha books were never quoted by the Jewish priests. The apocrypha books were never quoted by Jesus and the apocrypha books were never quoted by the disciples, but yet the catholics use them all the time.

Rather then acting against corruption Govt seems to be gunning for those who is agitating against corruption?

It is,government drafted, a criminal act to kill the RTI and common man's voice. So that in a answer i said 'congrres is behaving as like a criminal-gang rather than a political party'. It is really a dangerous situation , evey one political party is involve in personal game no one boldly come forward to support the 'janlokpal bill' in the interest of corrupt free nation.

Comparative literature essay?

i need to write a comparative literature essay, i need two interesting pieces of literature, novels, plays or poems any suggestions and possible links!? im lost haha

How to begin a comparative essay ...?

Life throws a lot of challenges at us and people respond to them in very different ways. Some grow stronger. Others fail. That point is illustrated well in these two works...

Would I enjoy studying Political Theory if I find other poli sci fields like am gov, comp. gov, and IR boring?

I've taken american politics and comparative poltics and found both classes to be pretty boring. I couldn't care less about the political differences between parties and how they fued between each other. However I did taken an ancient and modern philosophy class that had a number of philosophers who wrote about how governments should be set up, ran, and even dismantled. I read a number of theories about how the average citizen should live in order to help the greater good and all these different types of systems. Some of my favourites books have always been fictional stories about dystopian societies such as 1984 and The Iron Heel. I've never taken a political theory class, but would I enjoy it? I'm asking this because I would hate to take a political theory course only to see it just talks about what I've already learned. I find studying foreign policy of the US very dull, but I would think that studying the theory behind it such as why that policy was created in the first place or even what could happen if it was different to be much more interesting.

What are some Prom theme ideas?

i am in charge of helping plan our prom this year and i want it to be awesome. last years was lame so i need ideas of things to do that would make it realy stand out and make people say wow do you remember prom 2012, It was the freakin awesome! i want it to have lots of energy and be fun

Is legit?

i would like to purchase a pair of cleats from this website but i have no idea if i can trust it can someone verify this website for me??

Do i like him?? HELP! SO CONFUSED....?

Okay so i recently met this guy...i dunno like a few weeks ago but i feel like i've known him forever..and he says he feels the same with me too. Anyways we talk almost 24/7 (not even kidding). I dont think im physically attracted to him i mean i dont consider him hot...more like adorable. He told me that he liked me yesterday...and i kinda changed the subject and blew it off but now im starting to think i like him too...? I mean i love him as a best friend, cant really see myself goin out with him BUT i still get those damn butterflies in my stomach whenever he gets all lame and sappy on me...and i care about him a lot. There are times when i KNOW he's only a bestie to me but lately im getting more and more confused....ahhh maybe im just overthinking this...think you can help? ;) lol

Guys answer please: i'm scared that my boyfriend will laugh at my big nipples?

I can tell this relationship is built on trust. Show him the nips if he makes fun of them dump the insensitive bastard.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What are good cheap soccer cleats/boots?

Its gunna be my first time playing. I dont want to spend a fortune although nike super fly 3s would be nice -__- Thanks!

Are these real Adidas cleats? i have not found these anywhere but third party websites. They are not even on adidas .com so just wondering.

How do you break in football cleats?

You break them in the same way you would break in any other pair of shoes. It really is that simple!

Which is the best football cleat for me?

i play defensive end. i need a mid cleat that has really good ankle support. also it needs to be a lighter cleat that allows me to have quicker feet and help me be faster. i prefer nike or under armour.

Does anyone know any stores that sell these cleats?

Try Goinqq 2 ***** Sporting Goods At The Mall Or If You Dnt Have A ***** Yu Can Go To *****.com Or Yu Can Go To , iHope iHelpedd :)

Is this a good thesis for my comparative essay?

The Scarlet Letter and Othello both deal with characters( Iago and Roger Chillingsworth) who want to seek revenge.

Waiting for life to start?

I feel like I am waiting for my life to start. There are so many things and places I would like to do and go. I will be twenty soon and I just feel like life is happening all around me but I am not moving or changing. The only thing I really like is my job at a wine and coffee house and hanging out with friends. A few of my friends are moving away, getting married, having babies, and graduating. I will be a junior next year and feel like I am at a standstill...not dating, have hardly any money, and just feel lame! Thank you for your help.

Comparative oven and crockpot temperatures?

I want to slow cook in oven a recipe calling for a crock pot. What temp (in degrees) is high on crockpot?

My little sister wants to get decent soccer cleats for her first time playing soccer?

My little sister and i can't find soccer cleats in her size. She wants very unique soccer cleats, like: bright colored; very detailed; Please look up cleats that are in her size and that you think fit what she likes. Her size is 13 kids. Plz!! thnk you sooooo much, all we can find are butt ugly soccer cleats. Thanks!! Only give me a soccer cleat not a website. Give me a link to a soccer cleat that fits her size (13) that you found online. thx!

Which brand is better for soccer cleats, Nike, Adidas, or Pumas ?

So i am planning on buying some nice new cleats for myself but im not sure which brand to get. i have own both nike's and adidas' and i like them both. i usually get the mercurials or the f50. i have heard puma's is a good brand to so im considering it. but i want he cleat that will best benefit me. i play usually a wing left or right mid and some left or right fullback. so please tell me which cleat would benefit me thanks so much :D

Could I use detachable football cleats on astro turf?

I know that molded cleats are better for astro turf so don't tell me that. But if I use detachable cleats how well do you think I will be able to move around? If it helps, I play wide receiver and safety.

Does this sound right to pack for a 3 night, 4 day lax camp?

more spandex. You can't have too much of this type of clothing. It's so comfortable and can be matched with a lot of other outfits.

I want to be popular?

okay, so for my years of going to school, the best thing to do to be popular, is be like everybody else, and if you want to be popular, you just have to put you self up there. like you know when you have a group project, and there seems to always be that one person that directs the whole group and everyone just follows up to him, well, yes, same concept, if you think you cool, and have that power, over, then you just put youself up than eveyone else. second, is you have to talk, talk about everything, in middle school, i was always excluded, and i just hated that, so you really just have to push youself out there, dressing hygiene, hair, whatever, outer appeareance, does matter, expecially to you. if you fat, but you can feel comfortable, you can be popular, but like me when i had a fat tummy when i sat, down in school, i had to concintrate on sucking in my stomache the WHOLE time, and when i eliminated that, it just helps you feel a little better, depend on you though. third, join groups will help, sit, and make yourself fill welcome but don't cross the line, so they want to run away from you.

What soccer cleat should I get?

I recently broke my leg and I am just getting back into soccer and I want a spike that will help support my leg I've been looking at the adipure TRX sg but I don't know how good those would be and The cleats look medal please responde as soon as possible I'm starting a higher club and want to comeback as good as I left.

I need help with this accounting problem please help?

Way too much work to ask any of us to do. Go to Investopedia and type the ratio you want into the search box. You will find complete formulas and explanations.

PLEASE help me find these Soccer Cleats..!!?

I don't mean to burst the bubble, but those are limited edition... which means they aren't available anymore.

Is this true about venus Saturn aspects?

I too, will give you some professional advice. Listen to Geoff G. Astrology is absolute bunkum, and no one has ever found a true correlation between claims of astrology and real events. The movement and position of planets has no effect upon your or anyone else's future. Please take responsibility for your own life, and not blame mishaps on the rest of the Solar System.

Can't decide on a soccer backpack?

The Copa Edge. It appears to have more storage space, and a quite interesting shape. Either way though, Adidas is a reliable brand.

What are some great, affordable soccer cleats?

I'm going for soccer this summer and I need some good soccer cleats, something under 70 dollars that's great, & lightweight. And something that's I can buy in store. Thanks, I wear size 7 if that helps.

I feel left out...any advice?

well idk maybe is because im in high school (11th grade) and people say im going through that "awkward" stage but lately ive been feeling really left out. Like a few days ago my best friends and i had a sleep over (we always have a blast together) but they spend their whole time talking to this two guys (im really good friends with one of them and i know the other guy but we dont talk as much) the thing is that i tried to make conversation with them but it ddnt work and they talked for like 6 i just went to sleep (cause i started working this summer so im like really tired all the time and bored to death since i was being excluded from all their inside jokes and stuff) Also they seem to think that im lame or something cause im tired all the time now since i started working so when i leave at like 10 or 11 pm they dont seem to understand that im tired...even if i explain. They just say "whatever just go to work tired and sleep the next day" but i cant do that..none of them work so they dont know what it feels like. Then one of my best friends (since she changed schools) has turned kind of rude and annoying. Like we would be having a good time but if someone else thinks that it wasnt cool whatever we were doing she would come out of nowhere and say she was bored out her mind. Which kind of hurts my feelings cause wen its only the two of us she is completly different...nicer. Or i would say something and then just to look cool she would say something really loud to make it seem like im stupid. Like me and this two girls are really close and i can say they are my best friends but since last week things havent been good at all....any advice??

Comparative essay format?

For my exam tomorow i need to wrtie a comparative essay. I orgot my format sheet at school.. From what i remember it has introduction 3 body parafraphs and a conclusion. In the body paragraphs i boleive it is point proof comment, what aboit the format for the intro and conclusion. thanks in advance

How much are my Ryan Grant signed Cleats worth?

They're the Nike Zoom Merciless cleats signed by the running back for the Green Bay Packers. They were used by him apparently, even though they look like they're brand new. i can see some grass stains on the bottom white part of it, but not too much. They were from the 2010 season.

Is Jesus The Persian god Mithra?

The Persian god Mithra, revered by many Romans, was said to have been born of a virgin in a sacred birth-cave of the Rock on December 25, witnessed by shepherds and Magi bringing gifts. He raised the dead, healed the sick, made the blind see and the lame walk, and exorcised devils. Mithra celebrated a Last Supper with his twelve disciples before he died. His image was buried in a rock tomb, but he was withdrawn and said to live again. His triumph and ascension to heaven were celebrated at the spring equinox (Easter

Nike mercurial vapor safari(CR7) shoes, not cleats. Idk where to get them?

I saw a girl at a soccer game with Nike vapor safari tennis shoes on, just regular running shoes. I thought they only made cleats in that design.

What type of cleats should i get?

I need to get some cleats for football this year and I'm not sure what to get. I need some cleats probably for lineman but I don't know if it matters. I have a price range of $50-$65. Any suggestions would be great.

How do I get this guy back?(Please help)?

There's a guy who I like alot and he told me he likes me too. That was about 3 weeks ago. For two weeks he would text me or skype me everyday. I would text/skype him first sometimes but mostly it was him. But for the past week he hasn't been contacting me at all...I tried texting him but he didn't respond. I tried again two days later but we had a really lame convo just saying "whats up" "nothing much hbu" and stuff like that and it ended pretty much. I don't know if he's still into me...I think he moved on but I don't know what would make him. He's really sweet so I highly doubt he was just kidding about liking me, but I don't know. Is there any way for me to somehow make him interested in me again? Should I text him or skype him again? Or wait for a while? I don't really think waiting will help...Is there anything I could text him to make him want to keep texting me? I invited him to go bowling but he couldn't make it. I've never called him before. I don't want to over-flirt because that would seem obsessive to me. Should I text him to see what he's doing for Fourth of July? I just really want to talk to him...even if he's no longer interested in me I still want to be his friend..Please help me, I am so confused of what to do right now. Any idea?

Theory of Comparative Advantage?

What is theory of comparative advantage? In what should a country specialize? Is opportunity cost the key to international trade in the real word? If so why?

If your popular at school, I need your help!?

I am moving schools this summer and I want to go from lame to popular. I need advice. Were should I shop? What are the rules of being popular like never let anyone see you cry, ect. Please don't answer if your going to tell me "Oh it doesn't matter!" Because it does to me. So please just help. Whats going to be in style? Is it cool or lame to have a camera shown in your profile picture on facebook. Thanks!! (:

How do I get over this issue?

Well Today was my last day of school (I'm in grade 7 going into grade 8 next year) and We Had this teacher. She was new this year and she is most likley leaving so she will never be my teacher again. The thing is that she is the only teacher that i have ever had that really cares more about the kids than the paycheck. I'm actually crying right now because she has helped me through some problems that i had. My previous teachers had told me that I sucked and that i wasnt gonna makee it in life but this teacher told me that i was gonna make it and that i was special and smart! how do i deal with her leaving? She would have been my LA teacher until grade 9 if she doesnt leave. Please help!! I know that I sound kinda lame (crying cuz a teachers leaving and all) But she was reallly Respectful and Actually cared about us!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

How to treat an abcess. Never dealt with one?

Get your vet to remove it. They can become serious over time if not attended to. Your vet will give you bute to give your horse to help with the pain. You have to soak the foot in epsom salt and water everyday or every other day and then wrap the hoof in gauze and duck tape. You are absolutely right about treatment but I would have the vet com out and pop it ASAP since it can be very painful for the horse. Good luck!

Do republicans think the internet is lame stream media?

No. They love anything that allows them to say anything with zero accountability. Because the place of zero accountability is the only place where their message flies.

Should LiL Tsunami retire from Lingerie League Football?

Her face looks like it's been stepped on by quite a few sets of cleats and her legs are so badly bowlegged from dropping the soap in all those team showers out in California

Sex advice.....?!?! Please..?

Well I'm 18 and still a virgin. I have never seen a guy naked which kinda makes me seem like a lame-o. I want to know if it hurts, how good it feels, and stuff about a. penis. What does a penis look like by the way? And is it uncomfortable getting naked in front of him or are you usually too in the moment to tell? Thanks for any information.

Where can i get the new nike mericual cr7 safari III for cheap?

I want to get these new C. Ronaldo cleats for a cheap price. About 70- to $100 is the budget. And real ones for a cheap price. Also if anybody tried them yet are they nice?

This girl is so boring,what should I do?

Ok,so I've been talking to this girl,ya know,getting to know her..ii thought in the beggining she was just shy and that's why she seemed a bit dull,but she just has a boring personality,she says she plays soccer everyone and then and draws sometimes when she's bored,whenever ii text her,it just seems so lame,she does nothing so I have nothing to talk about,and I don't wanna keep on talking about myself,everytime I text or somethin and say wats up she's either babysitting or watchin a movie or doing nothing,and the lame part about this is that she's so beautiful,like amazing...but looks aren't everything,I wish she had a more exciting personality.Like for me,I box,do mma,work out a lot,I just like to be active,doing something,and even if I'm not doing anything I'm never bored,listening to musik or talkin to people,ugh..what should I do? Just like move on and try to meet someone new?

Football Boots (Soccer Cleats)?

Soccer Cleats? Are you ******* kidding? It's football, and American football, not soccer and football. We had the name first.

Is my boyfriend cheating on me?

Okay soo when ever im with him he just stop by and says hi then he makes up some lame excuse and says like he has to go to the doctors or something and all hes wanted us to go is have sex and stuff so i do but he leaves right after and on his birthday i went to give him a happy birthday surprise there was a girl sucking his d!ck he said that he will never do it again but idk please dont leave any rude ansers

People say Im lame to text but fun in real life!!?

Well basically a couple of the people that i text say im lame and today I was told that again today. how can I be less boring in text, I mean Im fun in real life and people say I am so like whats the deal. Any texting tips or anything ughh I feel so lame asking this lol

Does someone know Latin?

as you say, there is only a little - but even though it is such a small exercise, you don;t seem to have tried to do any of it. "Help" means helping you get it right after you have had a go - what you are asking for, is someone to do your homework for you. Be brave enough to try and do it yourself.

Which Course is More Interesting MA in Philosophy or MA in Comparative Religion ?

You won't be able to find employment with these degrees. It's a hard world out there, and no one cares about the humanities anymore. I have an MA in classics, and a lot of trouble finding jobs.

Where to find my soccer cleats?!?

Go to Eurosport heres the link they have lots of brands like nike and the ones you want are the CR7 ones right?

My whole toe nail is falling off!?!?

So, i noticed my softball cleats were getting small on me. I kept telling myself I would get new ones but before I knew it the season was over. I noticed during the season that toe started hurting and then my big toe nail become bruised. I knew it was because of the shoes. Then it started oozing brown stuff (it looked like blood, sorry don't mean to gross anyone out) After that it turned greenish. It started becoming detached slowly. Today it is almost completely off. I could honestly pull on it and then it would detach completely. However, I know a new one will grow back but still. What will my toe look like? How long will it take to grow back? Also, how should I care for it? It's the summer and i really don't want to walk around toe-less with sandals. Please help me!

Why is everybody so obsessed with harry potter?

okay, the actors are great and i used to love the series. but after a while, it just kind of dragged on for me-you know? i got tired of it and ended up moving on. it kind of got lame and boring, you know? not to say it isnt good, but good dosent cut it for me! sorry, but its time for harry potter to go away-who agrees/

Hunger Games worth reading?

The description of the book sounds kind of lame to me. But, everyone seems to have really enjoyed them. Are they well written, and are the characters good?

I feel left out...any advice?

well idk maybe is because im in high school (11th grade) and people say im going through that "awkward" stage but lately ive been feeling really left out. Like a few days ago my best friends and i had a sleep over (we always have a blast together) but they spend their whole time talking to this two guys (im really good friends with one of them and i know the other guy but we dont talk as much) the thing is that i tried to make conversation with them but it ddnt work and they talked for like 6 i just went to sleep (cause i started working this summer so im like really tired all the time and bored to death since i was being excluded from all their inside jokes and stuff) Also they seem to think that im lame or something cause im tired all the time now since i started working so when i leave at like 10 or 11 pm they dont seem to understand that im tired...even if i explain. They just say "whatever just go to work tired and sleep the next day" but i cant do that..none of them work so they dont know what it feels like. Then one of my best friends (since she changed schools) has turned kind of rude and annoying. Like we would be having a good time but if someone else thinks that it wasnt cool whatever we were doing she would come out of nowhere and say she was bored out her mind. Which kind of hurts my feelings cause wen its only the two of us she is completly different...nicer. Or i would say something and then just to look cool she would say something really loud to make it seem like im stupid. Like me and this two girls are really close and i can say they are my best friends but since last week things havent been good at all....any advice??

Is this a good junior year schedule?

It excellent, a good mix of academic honors and AP and electives. A lot better than my schedule next year. I will be a Junior as well and my GPA is a 2.9 so im not far off from you. Since we have some similarities would you Care to give some feedback on my schedule? : a href=";_ylt=Am0N0rSCiD_54P7bG_ZDzPzsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20110621214821AA7eDM6";…/a

I am shoe size 6.5, but there are a pair of soccer cleats that i really like that are 7, will they big too big?

If you are using them for soccer (or football, as we British people call it), then no, as you will probably also be wearing soccer (or football) socks. If you are referring to cleats as in the studs on the outside of the shoe, then they will probably not fit because they will be designed to fit the same shoe size they have been allocated.

How should i party tonight?

Either I can take a hit of acid(not my first choice), drink and do coke, or drink and do mollie. I'm doing something that's all I know! Help me out. What should I do? And don't say none cuz your lame. Thanks! :)

Would I enjoy studying political theory if I find political science boring?

I've taken american politics and comparative poltics and found both classes to be pretty boring. I couldn't care less about the political differences between parties and how they fued between each other. However I did taken an ancient and modern philosophy class that had a number of philosophers who wrote about how governments should be set up, ran, and even dismantled. I read a number of theories about how the average citizen should live in order to help the greater good and all these different types of systems. Some of my favourites books have always been fictional stories about dystopian societies such as 1984 and The Iron Heel. I've never taken a political theory class, but would I enjoy it? I'm asking this because I would hate to take a political theory course only to see it just talks about what I've already learned. I find studying foreign policy of the US very dull, but I would think that studying the theory behind it such as why that policy was created in the first place or even what could happen if it was different to be much more interesting.

My mom keeps trying to make me talk to dudes!!?

Okay my mom is on her 3rd divorce and ever since its started she always tells me who I should get with and blah blah blah like she's trying to become my bestfriend. Well I was raped October 5th and I'm not really trying to get with a bunch of guys. I have my boyfriend an that's IT! Well she still tries to have me talk to guys and even when I blow them off not interested she goes an tries to talk to them! For example just now we were in the walmart parking lot an these guys rolled up to me and my mom trying to talk. I ignored them and she kept turning around talking when I'm like wth it was obvious what they wanted! Esspecially when they says you looking nice in those jeans and keep following us. Then she gets mad at me an says I just have a bad attitude! C'mon now I'm 19 I don't want to talk to no lame *** dude point blank! She always does this an I'm sick of it! ADVICE PLEASE

Soccer Cleat Experts!?

Hi, I just got a decent soccer cleat size 9.5. however i was born with 6 toes on my right foot but had a surgery when i was a kid and now my right foot is really wide. therefore, i always buy bigger sized shoes so my right foot is comfortable. anyways my question is when i wear these soccer cleats, my left foot fits perfectly but my right one is very tight and uncomfortable and there is also like an inch space from my big toe and the tip of the shoes. how much space are you suppose to have between your big toe and the tip of the shoes? i heard it should have almost no space. so should i go exchange to like size 9? but i m scared that its gonna be even more tight on my right foot... help me please Thanks!