Wednesday, July 13, 2011

How do I get this guy back?(Please help)?

There's a guy who I like alot and he told me he likes me too. That was about 3 weeks ago. For two weeks he would text me or skype me everyday. I would text/skype him first sometimes but mostly it was him. But for the past week he hasn't been contacting me at all...I tried texting him but he didn't respond. I tried again two days later but we had a really lame convo just saying "whats up" "nothing much hbu" and stuff like that and it ended pretty much. I don't know if he's still into me...I think he moved on but I don't know what would make him. He's really sweet so I highly doubt he was just kidding about liking me, but I don't know. Is there any way for me to somehow make him interested in me again? Should I text him or skype him again? Or wait for a while? I don't really think waiting will help...Is there anything I could text him to make him want to keep texting me? I invited him to go bowling but he couldn't make it. I've never called him before. I don't want to over-flirt because that would seem obsessive to me. Should I text him to see what he's doing for Fourth of July? I just really want to talk to him...even if he's no longer interested in me I still want to be his friend..Please help me, I am so confused of what to do right now. Any idea?

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