Friday, July 15, 2011

Did I make the best decision in reporting immigrants, yet I faced severe consequences?

This is my second time posting guys. Sorry. Honestly I am not trolling and I just really some honest opinions. I know this is yahoo answers and you guys are gonna say I troll and give me false answers. But please I really need some honest answers Okay guys, long story short. I worked for a company for 5 years, known my manager for roughly 10 years, best friend I have ever had. We were so close, as if she was another family to me. Until this day changed me severely. My manager was hispanic, and trust me her ethnicity whatsoever does not bother me. Until recently my manager aka best friend laid off 4 employees roughly two weeks ago who I also known( they were not of hispanic decent) The new employees she hired recently were all hispanic. I was the minority of the company( I will not say what my race and nationality) I started to feel that my manager was somewhat racist. Until today I realized that I found out that the employees she hired were all illegal immigrants. I discussed with manager aka best friend, about why she fired the previous employees and hired new illegal immigrants. She gave me a lame excuse that they were not working hard enough or wage and hours were too high, etc. I told my manger that she needs to report these illegal immigrants she hired. She refused and threatened to fire me if I told on her. After I gave it a long thought, I decided to call anonymously the police and ICE on my manager and employees. After they came they took her and told me I was fired. Later the supervisor of the franchise location, decided to make me the new manager(which is a huge responsibility.) At the same time, I feel so disgusted that "betrayed" my best friend. Guys really and I actually being serious about this. Did I really do the right thing...??? I mean because I feel so guilty for what I did. And even myself, I am sick of these illegal immigrants and I know America is.

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